Monday, October 11, 2010

What Is Good Research And Development Worth Regarding Health Care?

Everyone will agree that health care has gotten out of hand and can easily be referred to a crisis. Whether you can or cannot pay isn't even the issue anymore. It is important to recognize that there are still a lot of Americans that are uninsured. However, the high cost of health care is like a double edged sword. The other side being the greatest advances in health care in the world.

A Nationalized Health Care system will most assuredly benefit those in need. However, cutting health care expenses could also cut the amount of money used for research and development of new cures and cutting edge procedures used to combat and cure diseases such as HIV, heart disease and cancers. These are just three of the many diseases that plague the American population.

It is easy to forget the amount of money and resources that go into the research for new or better cures as well as the development of new procedures, screenings and treatments to fight all killing diseases and making it possible to bring about technological breakthroughs in all health care areas. When we only focus on the high cost usually associated with health care, we sometimes forget that a good deal of the money spend has allowed better and more effective methods that extend the years of our loved ones with what once was called incurable diseases.

Looking at the bigger picture of a government run health care system, causes a need to look at the number of people being treated in countries that have this sort of health care plan already in place. This type of system helps to reduce the quality of care and also does not allot any money for research and development in areas of treatments and screenings for deadly diseases.

The United States has long been the leader to develop and implement new technologies, cures, procedures and medicines to help combat the many diseases that afflict mankind. While its health care may seem over priced, factoring in this one fact alone, it is easy to understand that alot of the money incurred for services rendered from a medical facility help fund the newer technologies being used today. These technologies were only a dream of some researcher just yesterday. If this sector of the health industry is underfunded or stoppedArticle Submission, the overall quality of life in the United States could see a noticeable reduction even as it is providing care for more people.

Source: Free Articles from


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