Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good Health, Or A Good Health Care Plan

If you had to have one or the other which would you take? You may or should be making that decision. As you probably know, health care costs are through the roof.
It can and does put a lot of folks in a pinch. They can't pay them even if they have insurance sometimes. Medical bill can easily lead to bad credit and financial disaster.
Also, I just heard on the news the other night how some emergency rooms are having to turn people away. They send them to other hospitals and people are having to wait hours in emergency rooms for care, or even a bed or place to sit. They don't expect that to improve any time soon in most cities.
The best plan is preventative medicine. Stay as healthy as you can so you won't have to worry about medical bills or waiting to see a doctor. Just like you plan for retirement, you should be planning for good health for your “Golden Years”.
You may not be able to tell that you are slowly killing yourself or working your way up to future health problems now, but unless you are paying attention to what you are eating and getting some kind of physical activities you will probably not be able to enjoy a lot of things later in life or sooner.
Being able to travel, play with your grandkids, or even breath, or walk might just not happen.
Eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong foods is not costly or difficult. You just need to take a little time and with a little help you can have excellent health for years. Add some daily fitness to your routine and improve your health even more.
You don't have to be overweight to start a diet, or weight loss program. Those are the best places to learn proper nutrition and good foods from the bad foods, and also how to exercise.
After studying nutrition and weight loss for many years now, I have to caution you on some of the ridiculous diets I have seen though. I almost want to laugh at some of them, but it is not really funny, it is mostly scary. If you see a diet or weight loss plan that says something like, you will lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, don't do it. That is worse for your health than not going on a diet at all. You will suffer through something it and it will more than likely cause health problems later. If it sounds to good to be true it probably is.
A good healthy, nutritional diet or weight loss plan will have a good balance of proteins, carbohydrates (the complex ones, not simple carbs), fibers, and fats (the good ones, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated). Your body does need all of these things. It needs to be nourished all day to keep your metabolism up and burning off calories and fats. Study after study has proven this, but still people seem to want to try to change mother nature. I don't understand. They do starvation diets, cut out carbohydrates, try living on just one kind of food, and all sorts of crazy things that just don' t work. Sure, maybe short term, you might lose a lot of weight for a short time, but why just short term. Learn how to eat the proper nutrition and it is easy to do it for the rest of your life. You can actually eat a “bad food” every now and then and live through it with any good diet or weight loss plan. I found it is best to enjoy a “bad food” every now and then and not make eating healthy a torturous thing. One bad meal doesn't mean you won't lose weight that week if you are dieting. It's all about knowing and teaching yourself what bad foods and drinks do to your body and then keeping them to a bare minimal, or stop consuming them completely. There are so many good alternatives that I am sure you will enjoy. Like dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. It's that simple.
The other important part of good health is physical activities. Your body starts losing muscle with age. Of coarse you need all your muscles for a lot of reasons. A toned body will burn fatand calories quickly, and it will protect your joints and just plain keep you fit and feeling that way. Aerobic exercise is good, but strength exercises I do believe is much better. A mixture of both is best.
You don't have to devote all of your time and your life to diet, nutrition, & exercise. Just a very small part of it and that hour or two a day that you spend cooking healthy, eating healthy, and exercise will pay off greatly in the coming years. Think of it this way, it is like paying yourself thousands of dollars a day for spending the time, because that is what you will be saving in medical bills later on if you don't. Not to mention all the things you won't be able to do because of bad health.
One last thing. Don't procrastinate. Start now! There is no reason to put it off. If you say you are going to wait till after Christmas, or New Years, why? Like I said earlier, you can still have a “bad food” or a “bad meal” and then just start back eating the right way afterwards. Learn about good nutrition now and get started. Just think, the better your health and food intake is now, then it won't be as bad by Christmas or New Years. You will be able to easily drop the extra calories you gain then. Also the better your nutrition isFree Reprint Articles, the less likely it is that you will catch a cold or the flu. Get and stay healthy starting today.
Source: Free Articles from


Mike True has successfully helped people learn about the importance of good nutrition and how to lose weight for over 20 years. Healthy, nutritional weight loss and fitness is important to good long time health. 
Visit for more information on healthy, nutritional diets, weight loss plans, fitness, & products to support a good healthy life.

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