Saturday, July 9, 2011

Have Health Care Providers Changed They Way Of Thought

It is incredible that the health care industry has fought so hard to keep alternative health care from surfacing and yet now with health care costs on the rise all of a sudden those in the health field are realizing the value of not just repairing those people who are sick but the savings that will come from keeping these individuals healthier over time. It has been a true shift of perception that has been occurring across the board.

It is incredible that the health care industry has fought so hard to keep alternative health care from surfacing and yet now with health care costs on the rise all of a sudden those in the health field are realizing the value of not just repairing those people who are sick but the savings that will come from keeping these individuals healthier over time. It has been a true shift of perception that has been occurring across the board.

In case you have not noticed this attitude change, there are clear signs that the medical profession and insurance companies have adopted a more proactive approach to health. One of the most important things that companies make health insurance rebate is encouraging for those who complete assessments of health risks. Most people do not understand this practice, but essentially what it does is it allows the health insurance company to intervene before falling seriously ill to help address the trends of declining health that are to come.These allow the HRA to the health insurance companies to coach a healthy lifestyle and may not indicate health problems that people may not realize they have. Addressing these issues on the front allows you to stay healthy and allows the insurance company will pay less for health care more expensive over time. This is a very proactive approach.Along the same line health professionals have stopped distributing antibiotics regularly for almost the same reason. While at first glance, this seemed the best way to deal with health problems over time this practice destroys the body's immune system and that is why medical professionals are less inclined to prescribe antibiotics than ever before.Health insurance companies are also offering extra discounts for those who go for regular inspections, tests 100% coverage in many cases, and also offering discounts for those that keep mounting the standard of living healthy, year after year. Some insurance companies are also incorporating the benefits include reimbursement for gym memberships, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamin supplements, diet plans and smoking cessation programs. Basically if you did not notice these benefits on your policy again you will start seeing the benefits of living healthier appearing on your insurance policy for the coming years and these are incredible benefits to take advantage. They can not only help to prolong life, but can also help you save money and, of courseArticle Submission, the health insurance company will save money and that is the main motivation for the implementation of these changes.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Affordable Health Care Insurance Plan – Essential Tips You Need To Fully Understand Prior To Buying

There are a number of providers out there providing inexpensive health care insurance coverage to any individual scouting for one. In order to avoid being a possible victim of these companies’ unfavorable terms, you really should try to assume control before obtaining any of these medical care insurance products.

Be In Control When Picking Your Medical Care Insurance

In the event you are looking out for an affordable health care insurance option, attempt to always take control. When shopping for a company to offer a complete and reliable option that delivers the most desirable medical protection, the easiest thing for you to commence is to check around first, do a comparison of the rates of a variety of firms. In addition, be certain to interview the health care insurance agents diligently. This will help you to make certain that you get the most excellent coverage that fits your requirements.

Why You Need To Opt For One Carefully

In these competitive medical health insurance sectors, many health care insurance providers remain competitive against one another by providing very amazing and alluring choices. Because of this, you do not need to purchase the very first health care insurance which comes along your way. Below are some fundamental suggestions which will be beneficial for you to observe just before selecting any of the option.

Some Useful Tips To Keep In Mind


Examine closely each of the fine details of the health care insurance option so that you can have an understanding of every features of the plan proposed by the provider. Besides, you must also check out the trustworthiness of the health insurance business by inquiring the insurance commission office in your state. From the inquiry, you could possibly determine if there are any complaints made against the provider.


If your intention is to save as much on the premiums, in that case you could get started with a HSA (Health Saving Account) with the health care insurance company. This account is not taxable and could be widely used to cover your medical expenses. Try also steering clear of falling prey to low premium, high deductible health care insurance coverages. For sure these policies can help you save on your month-to-month premium, but at that time while you need health treatment, the expenditures incurred might be more significant.

Moreover, you also need to pick an affordable health care insurance policy that includes disability insurance. This exclusive feature is important especially in the case you are seriously wounded and became incapable to perform the job productively and properly. In most cases, Group health care insurance comes with this feature and individual medical care insurances are beginning to provide this too.


A lot of people are discouraged by the expensive individual health insurance policies. They are normally costlier than group health care insurance product because they are not subsidized. In the case you are working on your own, there is way more reason for you to get hold of one to make certain your health-related expenses can be held low when seeking medical attention. Even so, by sticking with the above-mentioned instructions accuratelyScience Articles, you are still confident to acquire the affordable health care insurance program that you are aiming for.

Source: Free Articles from


How could any person effectively find and buy an Affordable Health Care Insurance for individuals? It could be a tedious task especially because there are so many products available in the market, but there are effective ways to do so. Find out more at

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Myths And Misconceptions On Pet Health Insurance

Pet health insurance is very important for pet owners because it will always ensure that they will have financial backup if their pet becomes ill or gets into an accident. Although there are many advantages of pet health insurance, it is wise to carefully research your choice of pet health insurance companies.

To help you choose the best pet health insurance there is, here are some myths and misconceptions that you should keep in mind.

Myth # 1: "Your pet does not need health insurance." Like people, you will never know when you pet would get sick or get hurt. The main reason why there is a pet insurance policy is because there are times when your pet would need health care and you are not prepared for it. Vet care costs a whole lot of money and your pet also needs routine vet care. If you have a pet health insurance policy you don't need to choose between your pet's health and your money when you have a little problem with financial status. You may think you don't need it today but the truth is everybody needs to make sure that their pets are covered with a good pet health insurance policy.

Myth # 2: "There are a limited number of vets that are accredited by pet health insurance policies." Unlike some human health insurance policies where there are just some places and doctors that accept patients because of the limited accreditation, pet health insurance policies havemore coverage when it comes to the vet of the owner's choice.

Myth # 3: "You can't include vaccinations, dental cleanings and check ups." There are some pet health insurance comprehensive policies that include wellness care and preventive care in their coverage so it is best that you choose those types.

Misconception # 1: "It will cost a fortune to get a pet health insurance policy." Basic accident policies are very affordable - and the most affordable health care policies cost fewer than 10 dollars a month. You wouldn't want to take the risk with any of your other family members right? And like it or not, your pets are (for most of us) a true family member. The money that we spend on their food, the shelter that they have, the toys and the other things that we buy for them is part of our investment in them as a family member. Throwing it all away because our pets are not insured is a sure waste. Other pet insurance policies may cost a little more but the policies become more expensive because of their comprehensiveness and inclusions. Think over what policy best fits your pet and remember that peace of mind can be bought!

Misconception # 2 "It's a drag to apply for one." There are a lot of online references pertaining to pet health insurance and how to apply for it. If a pet owner wants to apply their pet for a policy they can get all the help they need from a lot of sources and people. The best companies will provide lots of help at the website too. If you are a pet owner and you need first hand information you can always ask your vet.

Misconception # 3: "Pet health insurance policies are complicated." If there is any health policy in the world that is easy to understand - that's a pet policy. Unlike a human policy where there is a sub clause for dependents legal claimers etcFree Articles, pet health insurance policies are actually simplified for the owner's better understanding.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Health Insurance – An Essential Requisite

The concept of health insurance came into existence in the late 16th century. Health insurance like any other form of insurance is against the unforeseen condition of the recipient’s health.

Health insurance with the passage of time became an important requisite. The term insurance in a broader sense is a form of money that has been secured for certain unforeseen circumstances.

With the progress in life man has paid great deal of attention to his health. Since the progress of any and every individual is dependent on physical and mental well being. Hence, to ensure the maximum efficiency and a sense of security health insurance plays a crucial role. The health insurance might be undertaken by an individual himself or undertaken by a group of people as in case of a corporate firm. At the time of the exchange, due emphasis is paid by insurance company on the minimum level of requisites for purchase the policy. Also, the policies for the claim of the fund are declared well in advance.
The Premium refers to the amount policy holder or his sponsor pays to the health plan annually or monthly. The amount might be claimed at the time of requirement or at the period of maturity depending on whichever is earlier. Historically, certain organizations tended to use the term health plan", while commercial insurance companies used the term "health insurance". Certain organizations came up with a concept of collecting money from individuals who are entitled to claim the funds at the time of any medical expenses. 

The concept of health insurance with the passage of time has become a very crucial one. In the modern era of globalization and liberalization the world economy is seen as one global market. In this scenario where employees hold the back bone of every firm, it is the responsibility of the firm to look after its employees. It is said “Health is Wealth” hence Health Insurance is an important requisite. In broader sense, it is not just the corporate organizations many people have undertaken the policy of health insurance. Today, the world has advanced and developed. But the increased level of pollution and stress on people in everyday life has lead to weaker immunity system. HenceFind Article, it is not just to provide essential funds to bear medical expenses of personnel but also in a broader sense to provide a sense of security to the person undertaking the policy.

Article Tags: Health Insurance
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Health Insurance is the Need of an Hour

If you consider a health insurance you would find that it is almost similar to any other insurance policy but the only difference is in health insurance people actually try to get all the medical expenses which they may have to pay in future. There are number of companies which offer health insurance plans or policies.

One can get health insurance policy which have been made available to people or citizens by the private companies and also one can choose a government firm to buy a health insurance. Basically the profit which government earns from the health insurance business is usually given to non profit firms which are operated by the government.

Basically the health insurance is of two types – the first type of health insurance is health insurance of an individual and the second type is health insurance of the group. The group insurance is made to facilitate the people who are running big companies and through group insurance they help their employees if any unforeseen situation occurs. And in exchange of that the government provides that businessman or entrepreneur little relaxation in the annual taxes which he or she pays to them.
Following are the few things which one should know before buying any health insurance policy:

The very first thing which one should know is the premium of the policy which he or she would pay monthly or annually. This is an amount of money which has to be paid by the policy holder to the policy provider in order to keep his or her health insurance policy intact. It is basically pain on annual or monthly or quarterly basis. And it is highly dependent on the deductibles and the number of co-payments you do.

The second thing which one should know before buying any health insurance policy is the deductible. This amount has to be paid by the policy holder as well. For example if a person has to pay one thousand dollars annually as his or her health insurance premium then there would be some amount which they have to pay extra from their pocket in order to get full cover. 

The third and very important thing which one should know before investing in any health insurance policy is the co-payment. Policy holder also pays this amount. But this amount is paid much before the policy provider starts providing you with the money for your medical bills and other medical expenses. For example, the policy holder is required to pay $60 dollar to the doctor or when they are obtaining prescription. This co-payment will be done each time they acquire the service.

Co-insurance: Besides paying for the co-payment, an insurer may be also required to pay a certain amount of money as co-insurance. This is a percentage of the total cost of the policy holder. For example an insurer is required to may 30% as co-insurance. At this stage if they undergo any surgery they will pay 30 % of the cost while the insurance company will pay 70 percent. It is over and above the cost of the co-payment.

Exclusions: All different services under the medical service which are not covered under any single insurance policy are exclusion. At this stage, the insurer has to pay the full cost of the service.

Coverage limits: Certain insurance companies pay for a particular service only to a particular dollar amount. The excess charge is paid by the policy holder. Certain companies even engage this limitation to the annual charge coverage or to lifetime charge coverage. The beneficiaries are not paid if the service charge exceeds the mentioned limit.

Out-of-pocket maximums: This is similar to coverage limit, but in this case the insurer's out of the pocket limits endsFree Web Content, instead of the insurance provider's limits. Insurance company pays the remaining charge.

Capitation: Capitation is the amount paid by the policy holder to the policy provider in exchange of which the policy provider agrees to cover all the expenses of the insurer's member.

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Get instant insurance rates from multiple carriers online. Free comparison for cheap auto, low cost health insurance, affordable home insurance quotes. We are dedicated to helping  consumers find the most affordable and competitive home insurance on  the web.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Secure Your Health with Health Insurance Plans

Insurance is protection against any loss. Several types of Insurances are available in market like Auto insurance, Health insurance. Health insurance policies pay for your all medical expenses. These insurance bodily covers long term nursing or any disabilities. 

Health insurances are provided by government sectors or by private companies. These health policies are available on basis of group or can be purchased for individuals too. These policies protect you from high and unexpected expenses.
Idea of health insurance was first purposed by Elder Chamberlen in 1694. Firstly it was just for diseases. But at the start 19th century accidental insurance is also added to medical insurance. This insurance adds insurance facility for permanent disabilities. Actually this model started in 20th century. Most of health insurances cover cost of routine checkups, emergencies and most of the drugs. But it’s not always the same case. Different health insurances have their different conditions and terms.
Health insurance plans are designed in such a way that it can suit your expenses and easy to purchase. These insurance plans will protect you from costs as well as provide you wellness without any tension of payment of doctor bills. There are many health insurance plans provided by different hospitals or other organizations to suit your premium and your need. 

Two types of health insurance plans are available: -

1.    Comprehensive health insurance plans: - These plans will provide you a percentage of your total medical expense. These plans are very costly but they cover nearly total expense. 

2.    Scheduled health insurance plans: - These plans are not so expensive, so these are common in peoples. But have limited benefits. These plans are not so effective. They don’t give you all medical expenses. They give you maximum fixed amount of medical benefit.

Health insurance companies first checks the previous health record of person and current records too like smoking and drinking habits, weight or does he had any treatment done for any long term diseases. So they give them health insurance packages to choose according to that reports like a person having serious health issues have to buy comprehensive plans. This is called adverse selection. They also give discounts if person leaves smoking and stays healthy for long time. Other factors like lifestyle, high-price technologies, advance medical technology, agePsychology Articles, drinking and smoking habits etc. also affect the health insurance cost. Some of the countries have made health insurance plans compulsory for every citizen.
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Get instant insurance rates from multiple carriers online. Free comparison for cheap auto, low cost health insurance, affordable home insurance quotes. We are dedicated to helping  consumers find the most affordable and competitive home insurance on  the web.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Assurant Health is your best choice for Health Insurance?

With all the health insurance options that are available today you might be wondering which company is right for me. Most of us purchase health insurance based on impulse. We look at the next TV ad or some mailer that we got. The reason I can say that is because I’ve been in health insurance industry as insurance broker for over a decade. I will share with you things you should look for when shopping for health insurance. Also I will share with you a company which offers best 
options you can possibly get in health insurance coverage.

The reality is most of us are educated by insurance companies on what to look for in health insurance coverage. We are misled in looking for featured in coverage that insurance companies tell us we should look for. We go to insurance company’s websites to educate our self about insurance, which is completely absurd. I can reassure you that insurance companies are not going to tell you on what you truly should be looking for. I bet if I was going to ask you what to look for in health insurance coverage you might tell me things like; Deductible, co-pays, low monthly premiums. Well…. Maybe. Let ask our self’s on why do we have health insurance coverage in the first place? To protect our self from large unexpected medical bills. That would be a true statement that is what insurance is intended to do.
There is more to health insurance plans and companies than you ever thought. Let me ask you this question… If god forbid critical emergency did happen to you and you required a specialist, would you would to have access to the best specialist in the world or some local doctor? There are literally millions of people die every year because they did not have access to the specialist. Most presidents of the United States if ever required a specialist were taken to Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic is a world class hospital known around the world as the best medical facility for major illnesses and accidents. Do you think your insurance company will let you get treatment at Mayo Clinic? The answer is absolutely not, not a chance. What if you were in a car accident and there decision had to be made where your leg had to be cut of because the place that you were treated at did not have the right specialist to reconstruct the leg and your health insurance company was not willing to pay for reconstruction surgery at a facility like Moyo Clinic. Well at least you know you saved couple of buck on your health insurance that you called from one-eight hundred number that you saw on that TV commercial. The coverage that I wanted to share with you is offered by not yet very known insurance company. The company itself has been around longer than any other health insurance company in the world. They have been in business since 1892 and the name is Fortis. Fortis in early 2006 was the 26th largest company in the world. The health insurance is marketed under name of Assurant Health. Assurant Health is know a quality company that provides health insurance to families, self-employed, individuals, small businesses and large businesses. Assurant Health has a slogan that goes like this “Our Health Plan is Based on Yours”. Why Assurant Health is so much better that anything that is available on health insurance market today.
Assurant Health has easy and flexible portfolio of plans to choose from. Also every plan that Assurant Health offers is customizable. Some plans lets you choose how many doctor visits you want the insurance company to pay for. How much of a co-pay do you want to have. Every option that you ad or delete, accordingly lowers or increases your monthly premium. For example for someone like me who is healthy and has not been to a doctor for over five years and do not have coverage for doctor visits and save myself almost one hundred dollars per month. Considering that average doctor visit is sixty five dollars. That means over five years I saved myself almost six thousand dollars. As we discussed earlier let take a look at what is truly important in health insurance coverage. First I am going to mention options that Assurant Health Plans offer that other companies do not. If you think it is not the case with your coverage just stop reading this because it will be just waist of your time. I’ve been in the industry long enough to tell you how plans work. If you think you know how your plans work than obviously you are the expert and you should stop reading this article. Options that Assurant Plans Include that your plan does not.
Worldwide coverage, 24 hours a day.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re nearby or Far from home-you’re covered.
Initial rate guarantees-up to 36 months available.
You’ll lock in your premium rate for at least the first 12 month. With many deductibles you have a 24-month rate guarantee-and the option to extend it to a full 36 month! Lifetime benefit maximum options up to $8 million You choose the amount of protection you want.
Your choice of doctors and hospitals You’ll have access to some of the largest and best preferred provider (PPO) networks in the nation.
No referrals necessary to see a specialist You don’t have to jump through hoops when you need a specialist’s care-simply make an appointment.
Single deductible for accidents.
In the event there’s an accident involving more than one person in your family you’ll pay only one deductible.
No limit on Intensive Care Unit (ICU) With no daily dollar limit when confined in an ICU, you’ll have the peace of mind you need at a critical time.
Healthy Discount Available in most statesFree Reprint Articles, Healthy Discount rewards you for maintaining your good health by providing 10% off your renewal rates.
Some of these benefits will not make any sense and I can share story after story how not having even one of those benefits could cause tragic consequences to you or your family. Assurant Health is your number one most reliable and most affordable choice for health insurance. For more information on Assurant Health Plans visit
Source: Free Articles from


Dennis Alexander – Is leading online authority on consumer health insurance education. He dedicated year of research and educating families, individuals and small business owners and their health insurance options. Currently he is active insurance agent and consultant in State of California and maintains website for Health Insurance at

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Natural Eye Health - How To Take Care Of Your Eyes

Find information on eye health care. Find out how to take better care of your eyes in order to avoid any eye problems.

Like other ailments which affect us, many ailments of our eyes can also be prevented. There are ways to maintain the natural health of our eyes and prevent them from ailments.
Different diseases and conditions affect our eyes differently. The most subtle ones may affect and go without our knowledge. The more severe ones affect our vision, sometimes they cause a lot of pain and distress but sometimes they don’t.
So if we are to take good care of our eyes we have to be vigilant and get appropriate help without delay when ever there is the need.
Cleanliness is one important factor to keep disease causing organisms (germs) away from us. Touching your eyes with dirty fingers and objects can transfer diseases to your eyes. This is commonly seen in toddlers and small children. By keeping clean, such infections are prevented.
Diet is another important aspect of a healthy life. Like our bodies, our eyes are also in need of nutrients to maintain eye health. Some nutrients are good for our eyes. Eating a healthy diet with a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits ensure our eyes get all the required nutrients.
Vitamin A deficiency can cause serious eye ailments and can even lead to blindness in severe forms. This is a common problem amongst the malnourished populations of the developing countries. Fortunately, with adequate nutrition this problem can be solved and blindness can be prevented. So eating healthy is important to keep your eyes and sight healthy.
Wearing prescription glasses will reduce the strain if you have a refractive error. If you want to wear contact lenses, make sure you follow the instructions of the lens manufacturer and use them as recommended. Also, make sure you maintain the necessary hygiene for otherwise you may be faced with sigh threatening infections.
If you have undergone corrective eye surgery such as LASIK (laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis), make sure you take proper care of your eyes as advised by your doctor.
Wearing sun glasses will not only protect your eyes from ultra violet rays but also from environmental pollutants which are harmful to your eyes.
Cataract or clouding of the lens is a very common problem encountered in old age. If you have developed a cataract, you should get your eyes checked and operated to remove the cataract before it is too late. Keeping a cataract for too long can cause serious consequences. It may not always be painful but a long standing cataract can cause irreversible blindness. In fact, this is one of the commonest causes of preventable blindness in the old age.
Glaucoma is another condition common amongst the elderly. This is a condition in which one looses eye sight very gradually due to damage caused to the optic nerve (the nerve responsible for vision). If your eyes are not regularly checked for this condition, this may be completely over looked until too late. So if you are more than 60 years of age or if you have risk factors for this disease, it is imperative to get your eyes checked regularly to rule out glaucoma.
If you have anything unusual about your eyesFeature Articles, you should promptly get your eyes checked by an eye care practitioner.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Patriotic Health

The best thing you can do for your country today is to improve your health. Declining general health and and aging population our stressing our health care system beyond what it can handle. Find an accountability partner and move towards health, for your country's sake.

The plight of the baby boomers begins. Americans are getting older and this means greater demands on the health care system. A new study by the U.S. Center for Disease Control showed that doctor and hospital visits are up 20% in the last five years, a trend likely to continue.
The study revealed that Americans paid 2.5 billion visits to health care providers in 2005. That's about 10 visits per person if you assume everyone in the country is making visits – which you know ain't true. That means somebody's going to the doctor a lot. And what are they walking away with? Antidepressants mostly – 118 million records of them, followed by heart meds and painkillers.
There's always a side-effect
Couple this data with another new study that suggests antidepressants are associated with loss of bone density in older adults and we are asking for problems. Evidence is emerging that the most common class of antidepressants may contribute to fragile bones in the elderly.
This class of drugs works by altering how your brain uses serotonin, a major mood-regulating hormone. But serotonin is used in many other parts of the body as well, including the digestive system, the cardiovascular system and bone metabolism – therefore, side effects. One of these side effects now appears to be decreasing bone density and increasing risk for osteoporosis or bone fracture.
It's never too late to start
However, amidst all of this doom and gloom there is light – if we decide to use it. Another study found that middle aged adults who adopt a healthy lifestyle can ‘catch up' to already healthy folks in an average of four years. Researchers found that adults who started eating five servings of fruits and veggies, getting 2.5 hours per week of exercise, maintaining their weight in a healthyish range and refrained from smoking, decreased their chance of heart disease and death to that of healthy people.
The downside is that most people decide not to take advantage of their ability to recover and choose to remain on the slippery slope. Out of the 16,000 Americans followed in the study, only 8.5% were already doing what's needed to maintain their health and another 8.4% picked up the habits with six years of the study's beginning. Those that did reaped the rewards of reduced heart attacks and morbidity. Those that didn't, well . . .
Find an accountability partner
It's not that we don't know what to do, it's just that we don't do it. I encourage everyone to find an accountability partner and set a realistic health goal. Find someone that you can be honest with and that will help keep you on course when you falter. We are all much more likely to stay on track when we know someone will be asking us about our efforts. Make a contract with someone else to get your daily doses of fruits and veggies, get your 30 minutes of daily exercise and move closer to healthy weight.
The problem is that it's no longer just about choosing to live healthy or not. The entire health care system is strained and on the verge of collapse. As the baby boomers move into their elder years it will be stressed even more. We must educate and motivate people into action, literally.
When John F. Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" he probably wasn't thinking about taking a walk around the block. But now, more than 45 years after that famous speechScience Articles, getting healthy is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself and your country.
Do you want to be a patriot? Eat an apple and go for a walk.
Article Tags: Health Care
Source: Free Articles from


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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

America, Heal Thyself

This article describes a health care forum we had 9/18/08 to educate the public about publically funded, privately delivered health care delivery: Single Payer

Last Thursday, September 18, 2008, Progressives For Pennsylvania held our second forum on the health care crisis in Pennsylvania. This time, the focus was on passing Pennsylvania's HB 1660 and SB 300, both of which would provide health care to all Pennsylvanians in a Medicare model of health care delivery.
This delivery system is publicly funded and privately delivered, and includes the free choice of physicians.
I certainly have nothing against socialized medicine, but just to say, our bill does not fall under that category, which is publicly funded and publicly delivered.
The first panelist to speak was Jim Ferlo, State Senator from Pittsburgh, PA., and prime sponsor of HB 1660.
He said that Single Payer is like a prairie fire that once it ignites you can't put it out, and it just spreads exponentially.
Social reform movements are never easy, Ferlo said, citing the Safety For Workers Act (Osha), Social Security and Medicare.
He also said that the National Media did not attend our event because they've been bought off by insurance companies.
Next up was Kathy Manderino, Pennsylvania State Representative for the past 16 years, and another prime sponsor of the bill.
She said that nothing breaks her heart more than when a constituent comes into her office after losing her job and health insurance, with white knuckle fear gripping that person's psyche.
She said that lack of health care coverage (now upwards of 48 million people nationwide and 1,220,000 in PA alone, according to the latest census bureau results), is a Domestic Threat, similar to a terrorist attack.
Our job is to educate Pennsylvanians about our bill, Kathy said. We have to convince our family, friends, neighbors, card playing partners, book club members, AARP and local clubs that if Single Payer is good for the rest of the world, then it is good for us, and why.
Manderino said that if we can't pass Single Payer, than we must realize that incremental change will bring us ultimately to a Single Payer system.
Dr. Walter Tsou, the next presenter, and co-writer of the bill, said that with all due respect to Ms. Manderino, Mitt Romney's Massachusetts Health Care Plan, and Oregon, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington State and Maine not to mention Governor of PA Rendell's plan all have caved in to Insurance Companies thus driving their States into greater debt.
We cannot spend less money as long as insurance companies are involved in the delivery of health care, Walter Tsou said.
In the next 5 years, employers will no longer pay for health care and the burden will shift 100% to the employee under our present very sick system.
Did you get that, dear Reader?
In 5 years, you will be paying 100% of your health care costs under the present system. This will more than double the number of uninsured in this country.
Bill George, President of the AFL-CIO was next, on video, giving us the pleasure of his passion regarding Single Payer. He said that the health care delivery system that keeps the Health Insurance Industry in place is not working. The Health Insurance Companies are the problem with their CEO salaries, their advertising budget, their ever increasing denial of claims to pay for their bottom line of greed: this also contributes to our ailing economy.
37 cents to every (health care) dollar is the current health care spending compared to the cost of Medicare which is 3 cents to every health care dollar.
The single payer alternative would save 32 cents on every health care dollar.
Dawn Ali, RN, was next, who serves on the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied professions (PASNAP). She also co-owned and operated the first African American nurse owned dialysis facility in Philadelphia for ten years.
She said she sold the business because of the drain on her energy in always having to fight to get the health insurance companies to pay for services rendered, which they were constantly trying to get out of paying.
She also said the nursing shortage is largely due to the impossible working conditions that most bedside nurses have to work under: mandatory overtime, large patient loads, not to mention the suffering caused by the refusal of health insurance companies to pay the bills.
Donna Smith, star of Michael Moore's SiCKO, and now Community Organizer for the California Nurses, said her job with the California Nurses is to ferret out patient stories and to follow up and advocate for these people.
She told one story of a 30 year old woman diagnosed with Chrohn's disease earlier in her life. First she was on her Mom's insurance then when she moved out, her pre-existing condition made it impossible for her to get insurance, and to pay for her mounting doctor bills.
Donna said this young woman told her story before an audience, saying, "I wonder what I might have become."
The Reverend Sandra L. Straus, director of Public Advocacy for the Pennsylvania Council of Churches, gave a moving talk about Jesus, who healed the sick and raised the dead unconditionally.
Right-wing fundamentalist so-called Christians fail to be good stewards to our citizens.
What would Jesus do?
Weston Scott Fisher, third year medical student at Penn State University Medical College in Hershey, PA, sent out a plea to the audience to attend the second lobbying day at the State Capitol in Harrisburg, PA for Single Payer and HB 1660.
14% of all medical students are trained in Pennsylvania, but only 7% stay. These students lobby the legislators by telling them that if they pass HB 1660, they will gladly stay and practice medicine in Pennsylvania.
Dr Tom gates followed Wes. He said that our current system of health care delivery is broken beyond repair.
He said this is due to lack of access and to the fact that 56 million Americans are medically disenfranchised. They do not have a medical home. They use only the Emergency Room for care and often when it is too late.
The cost of health care world wide is 4 trillion dollars and the cost of health care in the US is 2 trillion. America consumes 50% of the health care dollar, yet we have an ever increasing infant mortality rate and an ever decreasing life expectancy.
Morton Mintz, media critic and the journalist who originally exposed the Thalidomide and Dalkon Shield scandals 40 and 20 years ago, said that Single Payer would prevent 100's of thousands of bankruptcies and yet the media refuses to cover this amazing story.
Mintz called this a grave sin of journalist omission and neglect.
And finally, our Mayor, Rick Gray stood up during the Q&A and said that if we can prove to him, by showing him the numbers, how Single Payer would save our town and every town and city and rural municipality in PA millions of dollars, he's in.
And he will tell all the other mayors in PA.
What he may not know is that the US Conference of Mayors June 23rd of this year adopted a resolution endorsing HR 676, the National Health Insurance Act, the National Single Payer bill introduced by Democrat Representative John Conyers of Michigan.
Progressives For Pennsylvania will make a point of meeting with our mayor very soon.
And the rest, as they sayFind Article, will be history.
Source: Free Articles from


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-